Our mission: Change economic and civic education.
Why change is needed: Many, if not most government and economics classes neither capture student interest nor inspire them to become active, informed citizens.
Our viewpoint: A functioning democracy needs citizens who understand the issues, voice their opinions and vote. People who understand how the global economy works are better able to survive and prosper in it.
How We’re Different: We develop challenging, fun and engaging, hands-on, civics and economics simulations and competitions.
Result: Participants gain a deeper understanding of the global economy and a keen appreciation for the beauty and strength of our Constitution.
Added benefits: We teach people to think, speak and write more clearly and to use technology better (the simulations contain several. They also incorporate the “promising approaches” outlined by the the Civic Mission of Schools (CMS) consortium.
I hear and I forget; I see and I remember;I act and I understand.” Third Century, B.C.E. Chinese proverb
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